I was excited before we even stepped off the train, like a little kid on Christmas Eve. I was told not to expect greatness.. but how could I not? How do you expect anything but greatness from your first love? The city of lights, love, and life did not fail to embrace its reputation.... or at least the image I always expected it to be. being surrounded by the language itself is thrilling. Even the ordinary seems extraordinary. Smells from the food stands linger, crepes are sweeter, and colors are bolder. It's almost as if your senses are enhanced just from entering the city. C'est Magnifique!!!!!
Our first stop after finding our hotel was Sacre Coeur. It felt like we were walking up the stairway to Heaven... step after step after step... just to reach the top to find more steps. Pure excitement was my motivation and of course my boyfriend mocking my shoe selection of the day kept me from showing any agony! Inside, I was rethinking the heels, but today was the day for things I loved... and my heels were one of them. The view from Sacre Coeur was breathtaking. It was also our first true sighting of the Eiffel Tower. There was no doubt, I was in love.
We manage our way through the city. We were the typical tourists taking pictures around every corner. I can't blame him, it was mostly me... ok... it was all me. I didn't want to forget a moment from this trip. We made it to the Tower, Louvre, Arch De Triumph, and Champs d'elysees. We ate crepes from the street vendors, sat in the Jardin des tuileries, drank cappuccino on the sidewalk, and watched the world pass us by.
I knew I would be in Paris one day, but I didn't expect it to be with someone I loved more than the city itself.